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- * P61a Extension V1.2.
- * Written by Chris Hodges.
- * Last changes: Thu 24-Apr-97 23:06:13
- opt c-,o+,w-
- fade = 1 ;0 = Normal, NO master volume control possible
- ;1 = Use master volume (P61_Master)
- jump = 1 ;0 = do NOT include position jump code (P61_SetPosition)
- ;1 = Include
- system = 1 ;0 = killer
- ;1 = friendly
- CIA = 1 ;0 = CIA disabled
- ;1 = CIA enabled
- exec = 1 ;0 = ExecBase destroyed
- ;1 = ExecBase valid
- lev6 = 1 ;0 = NonLev6
- ;1 = Lev6 used
- opt020 = 0 ;0 = MC680x0 code
- ;1 = MC68020+ or better
- channels = 4 ;amount of channels to be played
- use = -1 ;The Usecode
- version MACRO ;Version macro
- dc.b "1.2 27-Aug-97"
- debugvs equ 0
- ExtNb equ 25-1 ;Extension number 16
- NumLabl equ 17 ;Number of Labels
- English equ $FACE ;Any symbol can be used
- ;but FACE is nicer :)
- Deutsch equ $AFFE ;Same for this
- Languag equ English ;Choose the language
- IncDir "dh1:Assembler/includes" ;Set the includes
- Include "Player61.i"
- Include "AMOS/|AMOSPro_Includes.s"
- output dh1:APSystem/AMOSPro_P61.Lib
- debug MACRO ;This is to debug
- IFEQ debugvs-1 ;if the switch is set to 1
- illegal
- dload MACRO ;Load the address
- move.l ExtAdr+ExtNb*16(a5),\1 ;of the data-space
- L_Func set 0
- AddLabl MACRO ;Macro for adding
- IFEQ NARG-1 ;functions
- \1 equ L_Func ;One or non argument
- L\<L_Func>:
- L_Func set L_Func+1
- IFEQ debugvs-2 ;If debug is 2 then
- illegal ;fill in a illegal.
- LC set 0
- LS MACRO ;Macro for the label-
- LC0 set LC ;length part.
- LC set LC+1
- dc.w (L\<LC>-L\<LC0>)/2
- Start dc.l C_Tk-C_Off ;First, a pointer to the token list
- dc.l C_Lib-C_Tk ;Then, a pointer to the first library function
- dc.l C_Title-C_Lib ;Then to the title
- dc.l C_End-C_Title ;From title to the end of the program
- dc.w 0 ;A value of -1 forces the copy of the first library routine...
- rsreset ;Extension Main Datazone
- O_P61Base rs.l 1
- O_MusicBank rs.l 1
- O_MusicAddress rs.l 1
- O_SamBuffer rs.l 1
- O_MusicEnabled rs.w 1
- O_MusicPaused rs.w 1
- ;O_TempBuffer rs.b 80
- ;O_FileInfo rs.b 260
- O_SizeOf rs.l 0
- C_Off ;Automatic labellength
- ;generation.
- REPT NumLabl
- LS
- C_Tk dc.w 1,0
- dc.b $80,-1
- ; Commands & Functions
- ;
- ; P61 Play bank[,pos] Implemented
- ; P61 Stop Implemented
- ; P61 Pause Implemented
- ; P61 Continue Implemented
- ; P61 Volume vol Implemented
- ; P61 Cia Speed ciabpm Implemented
- ; sig=P61 Signal Implemented
- ; P61 Fade speed [To vol] Implemented
- ; pos=P61 Pos Implemented
- ;
- ; Now the real tokens...
- dc.w L_P61Play1,-1
- dc.b "!p61 pla","y"+$80,"I0",-2
- dc.w L_P61Play2,-1
- dc.b $80,"I0,0",-1
- dc.w L_P61Stop,-1
- dc.b "p61 sto","p"+$80,"I",-1
- dc.w L_P61Pause,-1
- dc.b "p61 paus","e"+$80,"I",-1
- dc.w L_P61Continue,-1
- dc.b "p61 continu","e"+$80,"I",-1
- dc.w L_P61Volume,-1
- dc.b "p61 volum","e"+$80,"I0",-1
- dc.w L_P61CiaSpeed,-1
- dc.b "p61 cia spee","d"+$80,"I0",-1
- dc.w -1,L_P61Signal
- dc.b "p61 signa","l"+$80,"0",-1
- dc.w L_P61Fade1,-1
- dc.b "!p61 fad","e"+$80,"I0",-2
- dc.w L_P61Fade2,-1
- dc.b $80,"I0t0",-1
- dc.w -1,L_P61Pos
- dc.b "p61 po","s"+$80,"0",-1
- dc.w 0
- C_Lib include "InitRou.lnk" ;Initroutines
- AddLabl L_P61Play1 ;P61a Play bank
- clr.l -(a3)
- Rbra L_P61Play2
- AddLabl L_P61Play2 ;P61a Play bank,pos
- Rbsr L_P61Stop
- dload a2
- move.l (a3)+,d6
- move.l (a3)+,d0
- move.l d0,O_MusicBank(a2)
- Rjsr L_Bnk.OrAdr
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l a0,O_MusicAddress(a2)
- cmp.l #"P61A",(a0)+
- beq.b .modok
- subq.l #4,a0
- .modok btst #6,3(a0)
- beq.s .nobuf
- move.l 4(a0),d0
- move.l #$10003,d1
- move.l a6,-(sp)
- move.l 4.w,a6
- jsr _LVOAllocVec(a6)
- move.l (sp)+,a6
- move.l d0,O_SamBuffer(a2)
- bne.s .nobuf
- moveq.l #0,d0
- Rbra L_Custom
- .nobuf move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- moveq.l #64,d0
- move.w d0,P61_Master-P61_motuuli(a0)
- move.w d0,P61_FadeTo-P61_motuuli(a0)
- clr.w P61_Pos-P61_motuuli(a0)
- clr.w P61_Patt-P61_motuuli(a0)
- clr.w P61_CRow-P61_motuuli(a0)
- move.w #125,P61_Tempo-P61_motuuli(a0)
- move.w #-1,P61_E8-P61_motuuli(a0)
- moveq.l #0,d0
- move.l O_MusicAddress(a2),a0
- sub.l a1,a1
- move.l O_SamBuffer(a2),a2
- moveq.l #1,d1
- Rbsr L_P61Func
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .noerr
- moveq.l #1,d0
- Rbra L_Custom
- .noerr dload a2
- tst.l d6
- ble.s .nopos
- move.l d6,d0
- moveq.l #3,d1
- Rbsr L_P61Func
- .nopos move.w #1,O_MusicEnabled(a2)
- ; clr.w O_MusicPaused(a2)
- rts
- AddLabl L_P61Stop ;P61a Stop
- dload a2
- tst.w O_MusicEnabled(a2)
- beq.s .nooff
- moveq.l #2,d1
- Rbsr L_P61Func
- .nooff move.l O_SamBuffer(a2),d0
- beq.s .skip
- move.l d0,a1
- clr.l O_SamBuffer(a2)
- move.l a6,-(sp)
- move.l 4.w,a6
- jsr _LVOFreeVec(a6)
- move.l (sp)+,a6
- .skip rts
- AddLabl L_P61Pause ;P61a Pause
- dload a2
- tst.l O_MusicPaused(a2)
- bne.s .skip
- move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- clr.w P61_Play-P61_motuuli(a0)
- move.w #1,O_MusicPaused(a2)
- lea $DFF000,a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move d0,$a8(a0)
- move d0,$b8(a0)
- move d0,$c8(a0)
- move d0,$d8(a0)
- move #$f,$96(a0)
- .skip rts
- AddLabl L_P61Continue ;P61a Continue
- dload a2
- move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- move.w #1,P61_Play-P61_motuuli(a0)
- clr.w O_MusicPaused(a2)
- rts
- AddLabl L_P61Volume ;P61a Volume vol
- dload a2
- move.l (a3)+,d0
- bpl.s .nozero
- moveq.l #0,d0
- .nozero cmp.w #64,d0
- blt.s .no64
- moveq.l #64,d0
- .no64 move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- move.w d0,P61_Master-P61_motuuli(a0)
- move.w d0,P61_FadeTo-P61_motuuli(a0)
- rts
- AddLabl L_P61CiaSpeed ;P61a Cia Speed bpm
- dload a2
- move.l (a3)+,d0
- cmp.w #32,d0
- bgt.s .no32
- moveq.l #32,d0
- .no32 cmp.w #255,d0
- blt.s .no255
- move.w #255,d0
- .no255 move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- move.l P61_timer-P61_motuuli(a0),d1
- divu d0,d1
- move d1,P61_thi2-P61_motuuli(a0)
- sub #$1f0*2,d1
- move d1,P61_thi-P61_motuuli(a0)
- rts
- AddLabl L_P61Signal ;sig=P61a Signal
- moveq.l #0,d2
- dload a2
- move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- lea P61_E8-P61_motuuli(a0),a0
- move.w (a0),d3
- ext.l d3
- move.w #-1,(a0)
- rts
- AddLabl L_P61Fade1
- clr.l -(a3)
- Rbra L_P61Fade2
- AddLabl L_P61Fade2 ;P61 Fade speed To vol
- dload a2
- move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- move.l (a3)+,d0
- move.w d0,P61_FadeTo-P61_motuuli(a0)
- move.l (a3)+,d0
- Rblt L_IFonc
- move.w d0,P61_FadeSpeed-P61_motuuli(a0)
- move.w d0,P61_FadeCount-P61_motuuli(a0)
- rts
- AddLabl L_P61Pos ;pos=P61 Pos
- moveq.l #0,d2
- dload a2
- move.l O_P61Base(a2),a0
- move.w P61_Pos-P61_motuuli(a0),d3
- ext.l d3
- rts
- AddLabl L_P61Func
- movem.l a2-a6/d2-d7,-(sp)
- lea $DFF000,a6
- bsr.s .func
- movem.l (sp)+,a2-a6/d2-d7
- rts
- .func subq.w #1,d1
- bmi.s .initp ;0
- subq.w #1,d1
- bmi.s P61_Init ;1
- subq.w #1,d1
- bmi P61_End ;2
- subq.w #1,d1
- bmi P61_SetPosition ;3
- rts
- .initp lea P61_motuuli(pc),a0
- dload a2
- move.l a0,O_P61Base(a2)
- rts
- include "610.2_devpac3.asm"
- include "Error.lnk"
- AddLabl L_TheEnd ;Last label.
- IFNE (L_TheEnd-NumLabl) ;Checks, if labels
- ; PRINTT "Incorrect amount of Labels: " ;are missing.
- ; PRINTT "Expected:"
- ; PRINTT _NumLabl
- ; PRINTT "Real:"
- ; PRINTT _L_TheEnd
- C_Title dc.b "AMOSPro P61 extension V "
- version
- dc.b 0,"$VER: V"
- version
- dc.b 0
- even
- C_End dc.w 0